Pet-Sitting Pricing Information


An in-home consultation is conducted for all new clients before the start of service. This consultation allows the pet sitter to become familiar with you and your pet(s) as well as set up your customized services. All pet sitters who may be involved in your pet’s care are present at the consultation.

A consultation fee is required at the time of the consultation. If a pet care contract is completed and services are scheduled within 90 days of the consultation, the fee will be credited to your service invoice. Contact for current rates.

|>> Any additional visits after the consultation are subject to standard visit charges


pet sitting prices

Please keep in mind that they are NOT a daily dog walking or day trip service.
They provide vacation & out of town care for pet owners who will be out of town for extended periods.


Visits are 30 minutes long and include:

  • Text, picture, or email updates
  • Feeding and fresh water replenishment
  • Playtime and exercise
  • Cleaning litter boxes and cages
  • Administering medication (additional fee for Subcutaneous Fluids)
  • Love, attention, and companionship
  • Bringing in/taking out trash and recycling
  • Watering plants
  • Collecting mail, newspapers, and packages
  • Adjusting blinds and curtains

Contact for current rates and to schedule your personalized pet-sitting visit.

Overnight Stay (In Your Home)

Overnight pet sitting ensures your pets are safe, comfortable, and cared for while you’re away.

Overnight care includes:

  • A 15-minute dinner visit between 4–6 PM
  • Evening return between 8–8:30 PM for overnight supervision
  • Stay until the following morning, departing between 6–8 AM
  • Consistent care, attention, and companionship throughout the night

This service provides peace of mind with personalized, in-home pet care tailored to your pet’s needs.

House Key Policy

A key to your home is collected during the initial consultation to ensure smooth and uninterrupted pet-sitting services. Even if you use keyless entry methods, a physical key is requested as a backup in case of power outages or battery failures.

For future pet-sitting needs, it is recommended to securely retain your key in a locked key box for quick and easy scheduling without additional key exchanges.

Key Return Options

  • Left inside the secured home after the final scheduled visit
  • Returned via certified mail upon request

For privacy and security, in-person key pickups or drop-offs at personal residences are not available, as there is no storefront operation.

Additional Information:

  • Keys can be securely held or copies made to avoid future handling fees.
  • All keys are stored safely in a secured key lock box when not in use.

Contact for questions about the house key policy or to schedule your next pet-sitting visit.

Additional Services

Daily Dog Walking or Day Trips

Pet-sitting services specialize in vacation and out-of-town care for pet owners who will be away for extended periods. Regular daily dog walking or short day trips are not part of standard offerings.


With Scheduled Pet Sitting Visits:

  • No additional charge for pilling, transdermal medications, inhalers, or injections.
  • Subcutaneous Fluids – An additional fee applies due to setup and administration time.

Medicating Assistance Only (Owner Present at Visit):

  • Subcutaneous Fluids – An additional fee applies for setup and administration.
  • Pilling, transdermal medications, inhalers, or injections – Fee per visit.

Please note: Rates are subject to change. Contact for the most up-to-date pricing and details.